Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Risk of Setting Sail

Futile, the winds, to a heart at port.
-Emily Dickinson

Setting out with God is dangerous. Out on the horizon certainly lies great adventures, but also great mysteries. The sun sets past some distant land, and the haze and glow of twilight settles first over the mast, and then the trim, and then your face. The rope rests in your hand, the other end tied firmly to the dock. You wonder about letting go, about letting the breeze that’s kicked up this evening give its all into those sheets. Where might it take you if you do let go?

I know it's tough, but that's the battle right there. We are free... but are we willing to believe that, really... and are we willing to trust in the heart of the One who set us free, to let this rope slip through our hands, the Wind of his passion for us take us out there on the waters?

I want to walk with my Lord. Remember in John when Jesus mentioned going back to Jerusalem, and the disciples just knew that would mean his death. Thomas spoke up and said they'd go with Him if He chose to go anyway, knowing it would mean their death as well. There it is, this secret, this life of “holy longing,” as Augustine put it. He is moving. Aslan is on the move. The Spirit hovers. The Wild One calls your name, your true name, a name you've never been called before. And when He does, your heart burns because somewhere deep you hope beyond hope that it is true, that that really is who you are… and whose.

Carl Sandburg wrote, "The sea is never still; it pounds on the shore,
restless as a young heart, hunting. The sea speaks, and only the stormy heart knows what it says."

Who's ready for the stormy seas? Who's ready to set sail away from predictable, “responsible”, organized, sanitized beliefs and lives, and push out into deep waters, all because they, too, want to walk humbly with their Lord? Who's ready to push toward and pursue others' hearts, just for the sake of their hearts and because you know they are worth it and they matter, because you matter and have mattered to God and you really believe and set your hope in that?

Who is ready to trust in this crazy, kooky, insane, wild, unfettered, unflinching, humiliating kind of love and model their lives after it? Who is ready to move with the Spirit of Christ – to be motivated, to be changed, to be daring enough to live in freedom and bold enough to believe it for others even when they can’t believe it for themselves and love even if it doesn’t change things and to be meek enough to rejoice in inheriting something great from the Kingdom… maybe even, maybe even Christ Himself? And maybe He is after all our hearts’ greatest desire, underneath everything else. Maybe He really is our hearts’ true home, the Lifter of our Heads, the Joy of our Salvation.

It can be hard, this kind of believe. It can be so hard, hard enough to take all the guts and violence of a man’s heart. Moses was familiar with that – with weariness from the journey and the battle and with the passion that laid him waste. And God had Herr and Aaron raise his hands for him so that the battle would be won.

The battle is raging right now. He’s not left a single one of us to do it on our own. “So lay down your fears, and come and join this feast… He has brought us here, you and me…”

Lord Jesus, whenever there was a storm on the Sea of Galilee, and your disciples were terrified, they called to you for help. For two years they had followed you, had been with you, learning the art of living. They had seen you give sight to the blind, make the deaf hear again and the lame get up and dance. Funerals turned into festivals and death turned into life. And yet, when they saw you walking on the water in the middle of the storm, they thought You were a ghost. Their minds and hearts still could not fathom You, could not contain You. In the middle of the wind and fury of the storm, You stood, You watched, You loved. Then, in their terror, you breathed into their faces the breath of new life yet again, the reality of who You were, another piece of Your heart for them. And they worshipped You, out of holy terror, out of reverence for the mysterious, unexplainable. You, as containable as a fish net can contain a hurricane... Your grace. We can only be brushed by it, and left ruffled and alive in its wake.

You who commands the wind, blow on our hearts, breathe on our souls. Bring to life those things dead. As you teach us to give things to you, good and bad, empty hands, show us, by Your grace, what you mean when you say that by losing our lives, we gain Yours... real life, full life. This wind, this Spirit in our hearts, the wellspring of life, is the very air we breathe. It is Your holy presence living in us. It is the wind of Your Spirit that blows the low-lying black cloud completely away (Rom. 8), allowing us to run free again like a child (Ps. 63), and to join You in the work You have laid out for us since before time began.

Lord, will you fill these fish nets with fish, after casting us over in deep waters. "I am ready for the storm, yes sir ready. I am ready for the storm, yes sir ready..."

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