A dear friend of mine and companion in this War Between the Worlds recently invited me to participate in a battle for the hearts of men in the Kingdom. I know none of them… yet… but they are no doubt key warriors, prophets, kings, and lovers of God, needed so desperately in this hour.
And I’m struck by the invitation. My response was an immediate, yes. What else would it be? What else would I want to give my time and energy to?
I feel like Thomas who said, in response to Jesus' insistence of going back to Judea where the disciples just knew he would be killed (and they with him), "Let us also go, that we may die with him" (John 11:16). Where else would they go, after all? (John 6:68). This was life for them, that they would know Christ, and part of that knowing came in walking right into the line of fire if that’s where He was headed. It makes me think of Paul who said that his worship of God was intrinsically tied to his serving Him, which meant that he would make this good news known (See Romans 1:9 in The Message.) The Amplified reveals what Paul meant by serving, “rendering priestly and spiritual service.”
I know by past experience the richness of encountering God in this type of battle. It is the glory of knowing a commander and being invited to participate in the strategies of war with him. It is the privilege of being a part of a Grand Rescue. And it is a part of the process of becoming “whole and holy” in the image of the Lion of Judah and by his awesome love, hotter than fire, more alive than breath.
Invited in, initiated in, I head into battle once more, for the treasures Christ came to ransom and set free. Through it all, I find it is me, as much as anyone, who is being won and known (Psalm 139:23)