Monday, February 14, 2005

Heroic Intimacy

Overflowing with the generosity that comes from the abundance of real love, [God] creates us to share in the joy of this heroic intimacy. One early mystic says we were created out of the laughter of the Trinity.
-The Sacred Romance, p. 74

My Lord God – I am your apprentice, and my eyes are on your hands as my Master. I am your squire, learning of your ways as we go this road in the rescue of the princess of the kingdom taken captive long ago by an evil one, long locked in a stone fortress guarded by an evil dragon.

I am your soldier, and you my Commander. Teach me the ways of a warrior, strengthen me in the weight of the Sword.

I am your sheep, hearing your voice and finding safe pasture. You lay your life down for me.

I am your son, destined to inherit so much. I see the strength from your arms, the passion of your heart, your desire and authenticity, your tenderness and patience, and remember that I am a stem of that victorious stalk, a seed of you, a bearer of a great image. This is who I am to become like – this Jesus. The Lion and this Lamb.

And I am your friend, let in on all the secrets of your Kingdom, on the heart of the Father and of the Son and of the Spirit. What dignity and honor you give me by your invitation to ride with you. Yes!

Yes, Lover of my Soul. Here I find, too, that I am the object of your grand desire and affection. I am to be known as a bride becomes known to her groom on that night and in all the coming trysts between them, those secret meetings known by them and by them alone. And I am to know you – for this is life. This is why you came.

With all that I am, with all the breath in my lungs and blood in my veins, I cry “Yes!” Yes, Holy God – to your invitation, I say Yes. I am yours, O’ great I Am.

1 comment:

Tom Allen said...

I love that. We are being trained in His service. We are His knights and we follow our King! Keep writing my friend